Our Management

Meet our management committee


The school is run by sisters of the Congregation of Holy Family founded by Blessed Mariam Thresia who did dedicated service for the enrichment of families. The congregation has many educational institutions in various parts of the country such as Arts and Science Colleges, Professional Colleges, Special Schools, and Higher Secondary Schools (totaling 156 in number) and other institutes of excellence.


Sr. Grace Ann (MSW, B.Ed.)

“Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world.” (Nelson Mandela). B. Mariam Thresia says “the greatest knowledge is to know about God” She visited the families and uplifted them with good values. For this purpose she started schools. Holy Family Convent School creates a better world and mould ideal families through value based education.

Value education means inculcating in the children sense of humanism and a deep concern for the well being of others. A person with proper values will not be afraid of facing the problems and he/she would accept them as a part of life.