Things For Kids

Infrastructure & Facilities

The school aims at the integral development of the personality of the students to fulfill a noble role in life. Hence the intellectual, cultural, physical, psychological and moral advancement receives the utmost care from the initial stages of the academic career.



Holy Family Convent School Library is to support the academic pursuits of all students and faculty through the provision of quality service, instruction and the timely acquisition of resources pertinent to the overall school curriculum in accordance with the mission, values, and goals of the school.

Science lab

Our school has well equipped laboratories to provide quality learning to all the students. We have seperate Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories with latest instruments.

Computer Lab

Computer education has become vastly popular and plays a significant role in professional excellence of an individual. It is being introduced in the school curriculum to bring the level of Indian students equal to the level of foreign students to enable them to confront the challenges of age of technology.